How to be Confident and Positive

The trait of success is a subject that has always garnered a lot of interest and attention from psychologists, entrepreneurs and the population in general. Due to this, many research projects have been devoted to the topic, and according to Kartikeya Sharma Information TV, among the several traits that successful people have in common, there are two that pop up very often in most of these studies: self-confidence and positivism.
For this reason, in this article we’ll cover some practical tips that will teach you how to be confident and positive so you can begin to model these key traits that most people that are successful in their respective fields have:
1- Use visualization and mental rehearsal:
Confidence is not a magical quality you can summon at will and instantly feel confident about anything. On the contrary, it has been proved that confidence is situation-specific and only comes after you have been exposed to a situation and have seen a positive outcome enough times. It’s been proved that the subconscious brain cannot distinguish between actual experience and imagined experience. This means you can visualize or mentally rehearse the situation in which you want to feel confident and have very similar results as if you exposed yourself to the real thing.

2- Use gratefulness as a positivism technique:
Practicing gratefulness is a great way to build positivism as a habit. There are many ways to put gratefulness into practice, but one good approach is to do so first thing in the morning. Simply make 2 or 3 minutes in your morning routine to enumerate all the things in your life you feel grateful about. It can be something as simple as having a bed and roof, or the chance of living one more day. We always have something to be grateful for. Do this every morning until it’s a built in habit, and soon enough you’ll notice how positive and encouraged you to feel.